This will be the third year that I've done interactive math notebooks in my class. My first year I created my own notebook out of things I had collected from different curriculums, teaching magazines, etc., and put them together in my own notebook as an example. After using a regular composition notebook, I realized that if I had thought this out a little bit, I would have realized that I should have put my example in a binder…and that's what I've done, now! Yay! Here is are some pictures of my 95 page interactive math notebook (my 1st graders call it a "math scrapbook"):

Putting all of the pages in a binder makes it easier to allow absent students to catch up on their own notebooks, but, more importantly, it makes it easier to rearrange the pages for changing your curriculum around. Last year, I used the first notebook I had made, but I had rearranged a few of the things that I taught, and I found myself digging around in the notebook, as opposed to being able to find the page quickly and easily.
Since my interactive notebook is made from many curriculums and pages that I've found or my team has created, I don't have a file I can share. However, as a back to school present, I did create the Linus the Minus and Gus the Plus to share! :) Happy teaching!