About Me

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Hi! I'm Katricia Powers, and I've taught first grade in Oklahoma for six years at an amazing school with amazing people. I'm starting my first year as a second grade teacher in Washington State this year, and am so excited! Teaching is my passion along with being mom to three rowdy boys! I am also lucky enough to be happily married to the love of my life.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Dr. Jean Summer Camp

Just came back from a Dr. Jean summer camp!  Wow!  She's amazing!  I've owned several of her CDs but never really knew how to use them effectively in class.  I have a feeling I will be spending several hours at her blog this summer.   There are so many great ideas for early childhood.  I love when I can make learning fun!

After yesterday and today, I feel so much more confident about teaching and using her songs in my class.  I was planning on incorporating them into our language curriculum, which I've worked on, daily, to get on Smart Notebook.  I'm really looking forward to next school year and adding these great ideas and songs.  Now, if only I can remember all these great ideas.  Yes, I wrote them down, but how often do you go to a conference/workshop, write down tons of great ideas, then read them later, and ask yourself "What did I mean by that scribble?"  I WILL use the great ideas I learned! ~that is the mantra for next school year.

I would love to share all the work that I've done to make the language curriculum available on Smart, but since I can't put up those files (as the work is not mine to give away), I've decided to share the few slides of Smart Notebook that I created to practice ABC order.  On these slides, I change the words weekly to our sight words, and then work (whole group) to put them in ABC order.  Once we've done it several times as a group, I give students their own copies, and we do it whole group and individually. Lastly, I let them try it individually, and go over the answers whole group.  Always my class has done well with ABC order, and it's interactive with the board, which the kids love!

Go to My TPT Store and snatch up this freebie!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Summer Catch Up

This summer seems to be flying by!  I have so many ideas and plans, but not near enough time to complete all of them.  Since summer began so unexpectedly, I haven't felt like I've really started my vacation.  My summer break started several days early because I work in the Moore Public School district, which had a devastating tornado come through and damage/destroy several of our schools.  (I don't feel I can explain any better than my amazing colleague what that was like, and so I will direct you to her blog, as my experience was so similar being also a first grade teacher in the same school: Mrs. Terhune's First Grade Site!: May 20th - Moore, OK Tornado.)

One of my big goals has been to get all my homework that I created and used last school year up on Teachers Pay Teachers.  It worked great for my class, and followed the new Common Core guidelines, too!  I created homework for both literacy and math for all 36 weeks of school, and will be adding them to my TPT store, as I get them ready for others to use.  Below is the front side and back side of Week 1 of the first 9 weeks Math Menu.

Get the first 9 Weeks homework for math here.

I will be adding the full year soon, along with my literacy packets.